Home » AWC Berlin in the News

September 2024: AWC Berlin member Linda Sheehan is featured on page 14 in FAWCO’s Inspiring Women Magazine’s issue on Women Entrepreneurs. Linda talks about inheriting and expanding a family business, her bi-coastal lifestyle, and the importance of giving back.

February 2024: AWC Berlin members My-Linh Kunst and Janel Schermerhorn are featured in this issue (My-Linh on page 69, Janel on page 88) of FAWCO’s Inspiring Women Magazine on Women and Democracy. My-Linh is also on the cover for her visit to Congress for Overseas Americans Week 2014.

Our very own cover girl! The Fall 2023 issue of FAWCO’s Inspiring Women magazine features AWC Berlin member Olga Johnston Anatova on the cover. The issue is devoted to FAWCO members around the world working in fashion. Olga’s feature starts on page 8 and is a great read, both to learn about her background as well as to pick up her tips for sustainable shopping and styling. Check it out!

February 2023: AWC Berlin member Claudia Tessier is featured in this issue (page 58) of FAWCO’s Inspiring Women Magazine on Evolving to Maturity: Fierce, Fabulous, Fun. Also My-Linh Kunst’s dedication to her mother is on page 44.

November 2022: AWC Berlin member Elyzabeth Simpson is featured (page 82) in FAWCO’s Inspiring Women Magazine.


September 2021: AWC Berlin members Karen Castellon, My-Linh Kunst, Katja Malinowski, Soraya Nelson, and Twana Rhodes featured in Inspiring Women magazine’s Fall 2021 Issue “Women and Justice”.  Cover photo by AWC Berlin member My-Linh Kunst.

September 2021: AWC Berlin President Shweta Gupta participated in the podcast COMMON GROUND’s episode 38: Mildred Harnack: Resistance leader or obedient wife? In this episode, AWC Berlin member and Common Ground host Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson talks to Rebecca Donner about her great-great-aunt’s life, the state of women in the Third Reich, and how sexism distorted her legacy. The Podcast talks about the contribution of AWC Berlin to the work of Mildred Harnack and her legacy on the club today.

February 2021: AWC Berlin member Carolyn Stransky featured and on the cover of Inspiring Women magazine’s Winter 2021 Issue “Tech Savvy Women”.


December 9, 2020: AWC Berlin highlighted on Facebook for our food and second-hand donations to Berliner Tafel e.V.


November 2020: AWC Berlin members – Veronica Isola (pages 75-77), Yolette Wunder (pages 28-30) and Molly Moylan Brown (pp 55-57) – featured in FAWCO Inspiring Women magazine’s Winter 2020 Issue “Sister Act: Women in Drama”.

September 2020: AWC Berlin members – My-Lin Kunst (pp 46-49) and Karen Axelrad (pp 69-71) – featured in FAWCO Inspiring Women magazine’s Fall 2020 Issue “Visualizing a Point of View”.


July 2020: AWC Berlin member Katja Malinowski (pp 59-62) featured in FAWCO Inspiring Women magazine Summer 2020 Issue “Isolating Apart Learning Together”.

April 2020: AWC Berlin members Brenda Turner (pp 5-7) and Karis Zeller (pp26-28) – featured in FAWCO Inspiring Women magazine’s Spring 2020 issue “Gen Y and Millenial FAWCO: the Under 40”.

February 7, 2020: FAWCO Blog: Health Matters, AWC Berlin featured in recognition of breast cancer projects from FAWCO Clubs around the world.

March 8, 2019: International Women’s Day celebration at the Chinese Embassy – featured on the Embassy’s website.


February 21, 2019: John F Kennedy School’s IDEAS magazine’s interview of AWC Berlin’s My-Linh Kunst on feminist activism: Advice on Advocating for Gender Equality.


February 16, 2018: KCRW Berlin’s interview of AWC Berlin’s Molly Moylan Brown and Luisa Weiss on our benefit performance of Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues on Feb 22-23, 2018 at the English Theatre.

October 27, 2017: AWC Berlin and member Olga Johnston-Anatova featured in a radio report on KCRW Berlin about Driving Sustainability in Fashion.


October 12, 2017: Article about Driving Sustainability: a Fashion Show for Charity, AWC Berlin’s philanthropic event with DRIVE Volkswagen Group Forum in support of the FAWCO Target Project: Collateral Repair: Hope Beyond Displacement.


October 13, 2017: Article about Driving Sustainability Modenschau in Berlin


August 4, 2017: Slate’s article on AWC Berlin’s cookbook and the American spirit post war in 1949  A Cheerful American Cookbook Memorializing the 1948 Berlin Blockade

May 9, 2017: AWC Berlin’s Community Outreach Director Molly Moylan Brown and her “Auntie Teams” supporting PREGNANT REFUGEE WOMEN – featured in NPR’s three-part series on Life in Berlin.



February 23, 2017: AWC member Molly Moylan Brown, Director of AWC Berlin’s V-Day Berlin 2017 benefit production of Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues, on NPR Berlin. http://www.nprberlin.de/post/life-berlin-ending-violence-against-women-through-v-day

February 9, 2017: AWC Berlin’s V-Day Berlin 2017 benefit production of Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues in Tagesspiegel – February 9, 2017



December 23, 2016: AWC Berlin President My-Linh Kunst on NPR Berlin – interview about celebrating Christmas as an American living abroad 


November 9, 2016: AWC Berlin’s President My-Linh Kunst was interviewed on Deutsche Welle Post-Election Show on November 9, 2016 after Donald Trump was elected president of the USA.




October 13, 2016: AWC Berlin Women & Leadership event was featured on ntv nightly news.


October 15, 2016: AWC Berlin’s Women & Leadership’s event and speakers were featured in Bild am Sonntag. Click here to read: http://www.clipping.de/ibm_2/bi1710.pdf


u1_cover_153_webAWC Berlin’s Women & Leadership event promoted in the Exberliner Magazine (pages 23 & 47)- read the OCTOBER 2016 ISSUE.




AWC Berlin in the Berliner Morgen Post on Saturday, July 4th, 2015.