by Jennifer Padfield, AWC Berlin member The United Nations Development Fund for Women estimates that at least one of every three women globally will be beaten, raped, or otherwise abused during her lifetime. In most cases, the abuser is a member of her own family.[1] Simone is a twenty year old woman with two children …
Tag: GBV
Day 8 of 16: RAINN … every 109 seconds
by Carolyn Stransky, AWC Berlin member Every 109 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. Meanwhile, only six out of every 1,000 perpetrators will end up in prison. These are the statistics that the Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network (RAINN) has been battling for over 20 years. RAINN is the largest anti-sexual violence organization in the …
Day 5 of 16: When domestic violence hits close to home!
by Karen Castellon, AWC Berlin member One evening, while travelling on a business trip, I happened to be browsing the internet and saw in my local hometown news that a woman had been strangled to death by her husband during a dispute over their impending divorce. The police, called by the couple’s only child, arrived to arrest the …
Day 4 of 16: The Story of JACK
by Karen Castellon, AWC Berlin member What is human trafficking and who are its victims? Human trafficking is the exploitation of men, women, and children who, through force or deception are made to work, for example, in prostitution, catering or agriculture. In addition, other forced illicit activities include trafficking in organs, lured by the promise …
DAY 2 of 16: GVB is a global healthcare issue that demands attention!
by Claudia Tessier, AWC member The following has been adapted from “Gender-Based Violence: A Threat to Women’s Reproductive Health,” a Policy & Issue Brief prepared by Population Action International, 2013. The WHO guideline information comes from its publication entitled “A Practical Approach to Gender-Based Violence: A Programme Guide for Health Care Providers & Managers.” …