Expat Youth
The FAWCO Youth Program has 3 different modules – open to AWC Berlin members’s children – www.fawco.org/global-issues/youth-program
Expat Youth Scholarship – sponsored by Clements International – www.expatyouthscholarship.com
Eleanor Roosevelt Girls Leadership Worldwide – summer program – open to girls from the US and overseas – www.ervk.org/html/glw.html
FAWCO Youth Program in Berlin
During the week of June 23-30, 2018 – AWC Berlin will host the FAWCO Youth Program. AWCO’s Youth Program is designed to foster cultural awareness and volunteerism among FAWCO youths. FAWCO teens aged 15 – 18 are hosted by FAWCO families for a week, and will experience a new culture while volunteering with local charities. As part of the program, the participants will create a video about their experiences, and write individual essays reflecting on what they learn. Participants will be able to receive community service credits required by their International Baccalaureate program.
Open to FAWCO teens, ages 15-18. There are already many activities scheduled!
Program participants will:
- Be hosted in AWC Berlin members’ homes, or if not enough hosts are available, participants will stay in a reasonably-priced hotel together with host chaperones.
- Have the opportunity to volunteer in different local charities.
- Visit various cultural and historical locations.
- Receive community service credits for school or IB program, if requested.
Costs to participants are travel expenses, spending money, and some meals. A budget will be provided.
At the end of the week, participants will be asked to complete two assignments:
- an INDIVIDUAL creative writing piece and
- GROUP project – visual presentation/slide show about their experience.
Download the application and send it to fawcoyouth@fawco.org. The deadline is April 30, 2018.
Any questions? Contact the Youth Co-chairs.
See more info here: https://www.fawco.org/global-issues/youth-program/cultural-volunteers