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The FAWCO Youth Program was launched in 2013 at the Biennial Conference in Bern with the mission to promote cultural understanding and raise awareness of global issues in our youth and help them develop into responsible and caring global citizens. The FAWCO Youth Program includes two modules: Youth Cultural Volunteers and Americana. Additionally, under UN Issues there is an ongoing module where children of FAWCO members (that’s members of FAWCO member clubs) participate in UN Conferences and activities. Follow the UN Youth Reps. If you’d like to get involved with FAWCO’s Youth Program, contact fawcoyouth@fawco.org.


June 2019FAWCO Youth Cultural Volunteers Program. If you have a child ages 15-18 who is interested in a cultural volunteering week in Amsterdam, The Netherlands June 22-27, 2020, then check out this amazing opportunity offered by FAWCO. Applications will be online March 25, and due May 10. More details to come. Contact fawcorep@awcberlin.org to get your support note from AWC Berlin.