Ah, the summer solstice.
The longest day of the year. . . longest day of Daylight that is.
Occasionally I receive emails from a mailing list that somehow I am subscribed to ( . . . probably signed up at Sufi Camp or some pilgrimage or wellness retreat). Anyways, the Text always looks something like this:
. . . tego czasu, energia Ziemi będzie rosła wywołując w nas stany uniesienia. W tym roku na Ziemi pojawiają się też liczne zawirowania mi.in emocjonalne, co może wybijac nas z rytmu spokoju. Matrix stosuje bardzo wymyślne sposoby . . .
so I generally Ignore it, and then Delete it.
Not So this Time!
As I’ve been spending my days on the back porch of my parents home in El Paso, Texas (yes, lots of time on my hands), I decided to put the text into DeepL translator.
. . . at this time, the energy of the Earth will increase causing us to experience states of elation. There is also a lot of turbulence on Earth this year, including emotional turbulence, which can knock us out of our rhythm of calm.. .
Wow! O-hoo! O-kay!
The full text was referencing the 21st of June, the Summer Solstice, celebrated throughout history. Also known as Mid-Summer Night / Kupala Night / St. John’s Night, it is one of the few pagan celebrations that has not been fully co-opted by Christianity.
Oops! Did I say that?! No worries. I welcome all religious and spiritual and philosophical traditions, because, as you know, the ‘tooth’ is the ‘tooth’!
Truth resonates through all.
Wishing you a wonderful solstice, and enduring positive ‘states of elation’!