The heightened international discourse around the topics of race and racism has been enlightening and essential. These conversations have led many of us to take the critical first step of self-reflection—scrutinizing ourselves individually but also the circles and communities in which we live and operate. Read the full message rom AWC Berlin President Shweta Gupta on Diversity and Inclusion and feel free to share The AWC Berlin ANTI-RACISM RESOURCE LIST.
July 30 is World Day against Trafficking in Persons, introduced by the United Nations in 2013 to raise awareness of the growing global issue of human trafficking and modern day slavery. Every year, thousands of men, women and children become victims of human trafficking through fraud, force and coercion. It usually starts with the promise of work and a better life, but victims find themselves in a different reality and in some cases indebted to their traffickers for years to come. A combination of social, economic and political factors play a role in the lives of those who find themselves subjected to human trafficking. They lose their identities, their rights and their sense of belonging, which is what the traffickers are bargaining on as they profit from these victims. No one is is off limits for these perpetrators who want to profit from other human beings.
Here are two free online resources from United Against Human Trafficking, based in Houston, Texas. Video: “Red Flags of Human Trafficking” Article: “Prostitution and Human Trafficking: What’s the Difference?” While COVID-19 has disrupted most of our lives in so many ways, it is also putting human trafficking victims at further risk. Please check out this article from the UN.