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LATEST NEWS – Auction of Talents benefiting JACK Berlin – April 5, 2019 7-10pm

We will be hosting the Inaugural Auction of Talents in Mid-March, 2019. This is a fundraising event to benefit our 2019 local charity: JACK Berlin. There will be a live auction of “services/experiences/events” and a silent auction of items, donated by AWC Berlin members. This charity event is open to AWC members and friends. Please rsvp to rsvp@awcberlin.org.

We invite our members to donate “talents” such as a cooking class, lunch or dinner for a small group, a theme party, outing on your boat, weekend at your second home, walking tour of your neighborhood or your favorite hiking trail, a coaching session on any topic, a painting workshop, etc. The possibilities are endless.

Click here to view Auction of Talents Catalog – 2019