Expat Links
Jo Parfitt’s site dedicated to the career needs and concerns of the international expatriate woman. She advocates for the “portable career”, and her site offers surveys and exercises as well as information about her book A Career in your Suitcase.
A free, on-line magazine for expatriate women. Country profiles and many articles are written by women living overseas. The site includes chatboards for expatriate women to share information about living abroad.
A free website helping all expatriate women from all nationalities in any country in the world to share experiences and advice and to find resources for living in a foreign country, with a monthly newsletter featuring the success story, mentor, reader story, book of the month, plus other interesting articles.
Site of the Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas, which sponsors clubs as a support network for women moving, living, and working overseas. FAWCO has over 12,000 members in nearly 40 countries.
Yvonne McNulty’s site is devoted to the concerns of trailing spouses, with relevant articles and information, including The Trailing Spouse Survey, published in 2005. Her findings are the result of her research on the challenges and issues facing the modern trailing spouse. It is receiving unprecedented recognition as the survey of choice amongst universities, relocation companies and corporate HR departments wanting to understand the critical role of spouses on international assignments and what can be done to help them.
Website and associated community of expatriate spouses that provides support in the form of peer assistance and a means of accessing networks of businesses and other organizations around the world who understand the challenges facing trailing spouses. The community also helps provide employment and business opportunities for expat spouses who want to work in their chosen field.
International Toll Free Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Hotline (1-866- USWOMEN) for Americans in foreign countries. The crisis line number is toll free internationally by calling the local AT&T operator from the country you are living in and asking to be connected to 866-USWOMEN. The crisis line is toll free nationally to serve families who have loved ones being abused overseas by dialing 1-866-USWOMEN. Domestic violence advocates are available from Monday 9:00am continuously through Friday 11:00pm, Pacific Standard Time in the US.
Robin Pascoe, author of five best-selling books and inspirational speaker on expatriate life, is best known as the Expat Expert. She is an advocate for the needs of expatriate families, especially expatriate women. Robin’s site keeps you up to date on events and news of concern to expatriates abroad and has two chatrooms related to the topics of her acclaimed books.
One of the most extensive websites for expatriates with information about: working and living overseas, expatriate resources, embassies, country profiles, travel, as well as buying and selling real estate, boats, barges, and yachts.
The Expat Checklist is a practical and simple guide to items that should be considered in an expatriate agreement, including hints on developing a successful expatriate agreement.
Expatica provides news and information for English-speaking expatriates and internationals living in, working in, or moving to Europe. Join us for your daily news in English, events, information on relocation, housing, job searching – and make the most of your life abroad.
Expat Info Desk specializes in supplying city guides to help expatriates and their families successfully relocate abroad. It also contains a free resources section with general information on moving and working overseas.