The Foundation Awards Program is open to all FAWCO and FAUSA members and their children, regardless of nationality, and regardless of whether or not the affiliated Club has made a contribution to The Foundation’s programs. The Dual Cultural Award is also available to members’ grandchildren and has its own specific nationality requirements. Go to the FAWCO Foundation website for more information.
2020 – Kristin Bayer, STEM Award
2019 – Maya Guice, Continuing Education Member Award
2016 – Susanne Ollmann, Skills Enhancement Award
2009 – My-Linh Kunst, Skills Enhancement Award
March 2020 – Congratulations to AWC Berlin member Kristin Bayer. She was the recipient of the STEM award.
Award Description: Women In STEM and Medicine Award One award available – $5000. Sponsored by the Former AWA Dubai in memory of their 21 years of supporting the international community in Dubai. For the study of Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine disciplines, including the study of chemistry, computer and information technology science, engineering, geosciences, life sciences, mathematical sciences, physics and astronomy.
Kristin Bayer is currently an Operations Associate with GmbH and an economics student at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Originally from Pittsburgh, PA, Kristin finished her Bachelor of Arts degrees in German and Economics at the Ohio State University in December of 2015. Moving to Berlin in September of 2016 for an internship, Kristin met her German husband Paul on her first day here, and, as it often goes, decided to stay. Determined to make the most of her opportunities, Kristin decided to go back to university to improve her analytical skills enough to study a Master’s of Science in Economics. She plans to study several semesters part-time before applying to graduate school. Her main interest is reconciling a good economy with the environment, as they are often at odds. In her free time, Kristin volunteers with the Girl Scouts of America and with her local church, goes to the museums, and reads fantasy books. Kristin currently lives in Reinickendorf with her husband.
Kristin’s Essay on her Field of Study:
My study proposal is to continue taking analytical courses in the Bachelor of Sciences Economics program at the Humboldt University in order to qualify for a Master’s of Economics degree program in Germany. My interest in Economic Development began when I interned for Columbus 2020. Observing how private and public entities worked together to bring jobs to Ohio opened my mind towards the efficacy of creative economic solutions. After moving to Germany, it was hard to get a job in Economics with my weak analytical background, due to taking “lighter” math and statistics-based courses in college. Fortunately, a radiocarbon dating lab in America hired me for Sales. Since many of my clients were climate researchers, I became more interested in the environment. I was thus inspired by all my previous experiences to think about how I could be a part of the solution to global economic and environmental crises. This led me to apply to the Humboldt in June 2019, and I began classes in October. I am currently taking Statistics and Calculus in my first semester. For the following 3 semesters, I will learn more Calculus, Econometrics, and related electives. In 2022, I plan to begin graduate school.
Kristin’s Essay on her relationship with the community:
When I first moved to Berlin in 2016, I hated my neighborhood. It is poor and polluted, with 50% of children living below the poverty line. My opinion only changed two years later, when I visited our local church and met Pastor Berchner. He worked thanklessly for our neighborhood, while all I did was complain. Since I was lonely, I had the idea to start a monthly coffee hour to socialize after the service. Pastor Berchner became my biggest supporter. Our volunteer group of strangers grew into a family. When Pastor Berchner died suddenly last fall, our ministry organized his funeral luncheon. As we mourned, we were also grateful for the community that he left us. By offering solace in such a lonely place, our church has brought members old and new together in genuine friendship. The ministry offers free coffee, sweets, and most importantly, a place of belonging to the people in our neighborhood who suffer poverty and loneliness. I love my community now and choose to do the hard work of making it a place that others can love, too. I learned that you can find beauty anywhere if you invest in the people around you.