2016 Annual General Meeting Report Back
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PHOTOS of the event from Karen Axelrad
2016 SLIDESHOW OF CLUB PHOTOS, prepared by Karen Axelrad
On December 14th, 2016, the AWC Berlin held our Annual General Meeting at the Hallesches Haus. Upon arrival, the 50 members and 5 guests enjoyed a welcome drink and a slide show prepared by AWC member Karen Axelrad of 2016 club photos. After calling the meeting to order, President My-Linh Kunst gave her 2016 report of activities, financials and thanked volunteers with a small appreciation gift (AWC mug). She then thanked all members who have referred a new member to the Club and raffled off an AWC canvas bag as a thank you gift – congratulations to Debbie Eisenach who won the raffle.
The 2017 Board of Directors was elected by unanimous hand-vote.
The new Board members presented their outlook for 2017. 1st VP Becky Duke laid out the existing club programs and asked members to split out into neighborhood groups to brainstorm new ideas for activities. 2nd VP Karen Castellon talked about her goal of maintaining membership at 200 in 2017, focusing on recruitment and engaging members. One of the main channels of recruitment is the Info-evening at the beginning of the year at the International schools, she asked members with children at these schools to let her know about their Info-evenings so we can have representation there. Treasurer Jennifer Padfield said that the new Board will prepare a budget for 2017 and send out to the membership in February. She also announced that the Philanthropic Committee will be briefed by the Board and start in February.
My-Linh then introduced Keynote Speaker Olivia Schofield who talked about the importance of being a DISRUPTER.
After a delicious small plate buffet, Secretary Claudia Tessier led the group through a fun Berlin-Trivia Quiz. Click here to download BERLIN TRIVIA QUIZ. Congratulations to quiz winners Karen Axelrad, Nisha Missigbrodt, Lisa Mensen and Indira Faltin.
The attendees’ feedback was positive – we loved the venue, enjoyed the delicious food and thought it was a fun, informative and social event.